Monday, September 7, 2009

The Wisest Part of Me

There must’ve been a part of me that knew
When first I stepped upon this path
That life would be an adventure
If I’d only open my heart

Someplace in me
Surely saw my kids
And knew they would be precious
No matter what I did

The wisest parts of me
Knew that I’d feel pain
And also knew that it would never
Outweigh the truths I’d gain

The divine in me surely knew
That I’d be plagued by doubt
Yet felt assured of my wisdom
As I sorted my life out

The wiser me that lives inside
Knew I’d learn to trust
The actions that I would take
When Spirit said I must

So here I am unsure again
Of what my next step should be
Consult I will as I always do
The wisest part of me


  1. and you will know once again because you have always followed your heart where the wisest part of you resides.

  2. Grief and sadness, I think, are the things that put us most deeply in touch with our inner wisdom, spirit and light. In sadness and chaos we reach with such passion to find answers... and then when we cross over to the next phase our lives--the one where we find peace--we bring that wisdom with us. That's the consolation. That, and maybe a revitalized commitment to live life in the fullness of love when love is in our midst.

    Blessings and peace,

  3. i think the other part of the process though is to embrace the sadness and the grief and gather the fruits of those experiences. Spring always follows winter and our chance for rebirth is sweeter when we fully allow the darkness of own winter. I enjoy all the seasons of my life but my favorites are Spring and Fall. Spring, because of the newness, the magic of rebirth. Fall because of the opportunity to gather the things needed for winter and to let go of the things that no longer serve. I know we can do that at anytime in the year but the energy for that activity is most prevalent in the Fall.

    Blessed Be,
